We encourage people to be active in the donation process by making the effort to source and drop off the food items, thus nurturing giving, and upholding the Prophetic sunnah of service. However, due to the uncertainty of the current Covid climate, we are strongly encouraging monetary donations to protect the community from unnecessary travel and contact. As such, we have established a corporate account with Coles click and collect, where by, we purchase all the food required for our monthly in a bulk order, minimising contact.
Halal Food Bank Melbourne receives minimal Government support to operate (only starting in 2022), without the generosity of the community with ongoing hands-on and financial support we would not be able to operate. Kindly express your interest to help as a volunteer* or if you can support us financially please send your contribution to;
Name: Halal Food Bank BSB: 063 212 Account Number: 1033 5295 Reference: Your Full Name
Please send us an email to requesting an official tax-deductible receipt.